Construction detail. Diaphragm wall (slurry wall) capping beam (Cap beam, top of the wall beam). Drawing shows the reinforcement steel arrangement and an isometric view. Dwg file format.
Construction detail. Bored pile wall capping beam. Cap beam to connect the top of drilled pile wall (piled retaining wall, sheet pile wall). Drawing shows the reinforcement steel arrangement and includes an isometric view. Dwg file format.
Structural detailing of steel beam to reinforced concrete column welded connection using steel plate and achor bolts. Construction detail in dwg file format. Includes a connection isometric view.
Construction detail. Staricase, by reinforced concrete slab, spread footing. Section and isometric view. Drawing shows the arrangement of main reinforcement and the starter bars. Dwg file format.
Construction detail to build reinforced concrete steps (rise and tread) of a staircase. Step reinforcement detail on a slab stairs cross section. Drawing shows the step reinforcement steel arrangement. Dwg file format.